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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fulfilling Sharon's tag. I don't have a wide range of pictures, so I created those I didn't have. Sorry....anyways, here goes:

The Most Recent Picture of You

When was this taken?
Hari Raya holidays :)

A Picture of You Making a Peace Sign

Is this picture in colour?
Ummmmm I guess so....

A Picture of You With a Friend

Who are with you?
Shomen a.k.a Show Man a.k.a Shomenita

A Picture of You in a Weird/Random Place

Where were you?
In some Turtle Temple...

A Picture of You in Black and White

Did you edit this picture to black and white or did you take it like that?
Do you like black and white or colour pictures better?

A Picture of You with your Hair Up


A Picture of You with a Weird Face

Dun ask me what I'm doing

A Picture of You Wearing a Black Coloured Shirt

A Picture of You Wearing a Red Coloured Shirt

A Picture of You Wearing a Green Coloured Shirt

I hardly wear green shirts ok???

A Picture of You Looking Mad

Why were you mad?
Because my mum asked me to pose....


just posted the above
at 8:00 PM ;

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm joining the inter-house tournaments in school. I'm doing badminton (singles) and football.

I dunno about football, but badminton sure I'm gonna get raped. I'm playing Wen Kuang in the first round k??? YES WEN KUANG - current school singles and doubles champion who goes for training with district, state and 1 ex-national player(s). I'm so gonna get raped. My target???


Out of 21. Wish me luck people. Because if I don't get those 5 points, I'll have to change my blog to:


I'll also have to change my msn display pic to this:-

Now, I don't want that to happen do I???

I need a strategy....time for sabotage....

P.S: Jay, I need you to pull down pants in front of Wen Kuang during the match...Thanks! I promise your kindness will be repaid someday. ;P

just posted the above
at 8:38 PM ;

Sunday, October 28, 2007

You know the model me and Jay poked fun at???

Turns out she came to Voir, Jusco on Saturday. Her name's Yumiko. Ju Ann told me bout it, so I went and surfed the net to find her picture. Ok la, I admit it: I wanted to see whether she was worth while to go and see......

Mana tau......she looks like a bloody squirrel!!!

"My favourite cartoon is Chip & Dale!"

Looks so different from the picture we poked fun at. Such is the power of photoshop....


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at 6:26 PM ;

Friday, October 26, 2007

I'm still not over the videos....;P



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at 11:59 PM ;

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Dumbledore's GAY!!!?!?!?!?

This is weird....



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at 2:59 PM ;

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Jay showed me this.



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at 1:47 PM ;

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Today, we celebrated Jay's birthday in Jusco. Kyle, Teng Huei, Vhimal, Jay and I went to watch The Bourne Ultimatum.

I arrived earlier than the rest to collect the tickets and to post a letter. What letter you ask? Well, 1 month ago, the MGS Prefectorial Board sent us a Hari Raya greeting card. So, we decided to send a card back, after long last. Well, I blurly walked into the Jusco Post Office and looked around. I didn't know what the hell I was supposed to do. So I took a number ticket. My number was 1094. The number being served that time was 1074. So, I waited like a dumbass. Jay and Vhi came, and we waited like dumbasses. Until a nice Malay dude at the counter asked me to go over. I then realised that counter was the special stamp counter and I was queueing up for the bill-payment counter. Silly me.

We then went to KFC to makan. Some funny stuff happened at KFC that made me unable to finish my food. So Jay finished it for me.

Met up with Kyle in Voir and Teng Huei in the cinema. Watched Bourne Ultimatum. It rocked.

After the movie, we met up with Phillip.

We wanted to go somewhere to makan (you will know my intentions for this later). Went to Pizza Hut. Full and in the process of cleaning. -_-". So we went to Nando's. After Vhi and Jay ate, I secretly went to collect the cake I bought from Secret Recipe earlier in the day with Phillip. We got the cake and gave it to the Nando's people to keep for a while.

When we were done eating, I secretly ask the waiter for the cake. That idiot replied shouted back:

"HUH??!?!?! WHAT CAKE?!?!?!"
"uummmm the cake I gave you just now....ssshhhh it's a secret...."

I gave up that conversation and went to speak with a waitress, who thankfully appeared to be at least smarter than my dog. At that time, the surprise was blown and Jay was laughing his bony ass off. The waitress got the dumbass to bring us the cake. Kyle then asked him for 6 plates and 6 forks. He returned with 6 plates. Kyle asked him again for 6 forks. He came back with 1. Kyle asked for 5 more forks. He gave us 5 spoons.

Jay blew the candles and cut the cake.

We then ate the cake (which was bought by me, Kyle, Teng Huei, Vhimal, Phillip, Keat Tong, Chay Ann, Yong Sheng, Lin Cze and Shi Yee) and poked fun at the Nando's waiter. Vhimal insulted him really badly in his face and all he did was stare back blankly. Ahahaha. What a good specimen.

After that we messed around in Voir and played arcade games.

messing with a picture of a model

Then, we went home. Jay's dad gave me a lift. Thanks uncle!

Before I finish, I would like to say:



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at 10:21 PM ;

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

That familiar feeling's back. Exam's are looming and it's time for me to hit the books.



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at 8:02 PM ;

Monday, October 15, 2007

Basketball pros.
(ignore the pic under the video again.....i dunno how it got there ;P)



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at 11:42 PM ;

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Some people envy Korea because they have a hell lot of dramas filled with love-triangles and leukemia.

Some envy Korea because they a decent football team. Unlike some countries...(ahem..ours)

Jay envies Korea because they have a world class break dancer : Hong 10.

Chay Ann envies Korea because they have kick ass games.

I envy Korea because they have the biggest toilet-shaped house in the world.

Ohohohoho.....If all toilets were like that, my aim will never miss again. ;P


just posted the above
at 6:33 PM ;

Friday, October 12, 2007

Jay asked me to watch this video.

I find it very hilarious. Don't you?



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at 12:34 AM ;

Thursday, October 11, 2007


I'm currently free for the moment! 6 subjects down, 5 to go! 5 sadistic subjects....Moral, Add Maths, Bio, Physics and Chem. Scrape that ~ I should think positive. ;P

Had accounts exam for the first time in my life today. Wasn't too bad. Thanks Shi Yee for the last minute revision and help! Thanks Teck Loong for the tips! blek :)

time to get out of my head and torture other people Abdul Rahmans! Scoot and never come back til SPM comes. :)

Anyway, sejarah's over as well and I can now forget all the stuff I crammed in my head for the last 2 weeks. Such a happy thought...

Oh, and also.....I'M OFFICIALLY FREE DURING THE HOLIDAYS!!! I'm not supposed to tell anybody why, but let me put it this way: I can do whatever I want this coming week! Sweet...

Movies anybody????


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at 9:32 PM ;

Saturday, October 06, 2007

The exam's are getting to me......

(Ignore the extra picture at the bottom....I dunno how and why it appeared...:])



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at 11:53 PM ;

You know what??? I just realised my MSN and my friendster is like really out-dated. I don't even have a facebook account, even though I told myself to get one 3 weeks ago. I've been in a really lazy mood. Ok, fine, I always have been in a really lazy mood, but I've been lazier than usual.

So time to rectify the mistake. Anyone with friendster or MSN that I have'nt added, please leave your email in my tag! Your kind small effort of typing it out would really be a great help to me! Thanks! Oh, if you would like to add me, feel free!

1) MSN email: cool12345678987654321@hotmail.com
2) Friendster email: cool12345678987654321@yahoo.com

But, if you ask my opinion, it would save you 30 minutes if you leave your contact in the tag than wasting your effort trying to type my email. Kudos!

P.S.: I'm also looking for blog links!

As Shi Yee says: "Time to menjalinkan hubungan with people"



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at 12:17 AM ;

Monday, October 01, 2007




It came today....




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at 8:11 PM ;