Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Yo it's been about a month since I last blogged? Haha sorry, got kinda busy/lazy.
So....I'm back in melbs! Classes have been going on for 2 and a half weeks now. Pretty hectic but I'm trying to stay on top of stuff. :)
Quick updates!
Like I said, uni's been a killer. We get about 30 hours a week excluding small assignment tasks and pre-reading. Then there's the SPC, which is like a group assignment - gotta search for journal sources for that by Monday. garh. And then there's also CBP (community based project); I got placed into the Monash Resource Volunteer Centre which helps people find volunteer work around the area. Gotta do at least 80 hours of that over 14 weeks + a poster thingy + a written assignment - and all these count for like one fifth the year. bummer
Oooh oooh and I signed up for the gym. Matt Kang, my super buff tasmanian-korean housemate, has agreed to coach Nathan and I :] (somewhat). no pain no gain? *rubs tummy*
Matt Kang. what a monster
My epic gym card photo - yes boys and girls, I'm headless
What else? ummmmm......I've been futsalling a lot? haha
Oh, and there's Moomba Festival as well. Went there in a massive group of like 30. Played a couple carnival games and won Cass 4 soft toys - 1 big one and 3 small ones. booyah. It took massive effort and concentration man. I swear carnival games are designed to cheat you. haha
andddd there's been like a massive amount of birthday celebrations. The guys (and girls to be technical) surprised me with a badminton racket the night we went out for Pat's birthday. Yonex nanaospeed 300. :)
so yeah. been keeping busy. and fit. and up to date with studies. (Y) woahhhhh I'm sounding like a goody goody kid. I mean, not to say that I'm not. HI MUM!
Well, gotta get down to researching journals.
toodaloo peeps
just posted the above
at 5:11 PM ;