Monday, January 17, 2011
Hello everybody! haha this is gonna be my first picture post in a heck of a long time. :) It's gonna be in random order cos I can't really remember what came first and what not.
So here's a couple of pics of our common hang out spots:

Golden Break. Awesome new pool place.
Maid Cafe. Where we gamble away our dignities with cards by asking average looking waitresses out. (Y)
Next up, our Karaoke night! Randomly decided to karaoke in Neway at Centro. AWESOME SHIZZ. The guys went wild. :P

And then, somewhere mid December, Sheng was leaving for his 2 week solo trip to UK. That boy went there with a mission, got lost 3 quarters of the time he was there and still managed to come home victorious. Call it fate or good luck, Sheng, I think you've moved up from 'nobody' to 'in contention'. (Y)
Anyways, we went out one last time before Sheng left. Since we were worried he might come back a broken man (but thank god that didn't happen :P). So, we ate Taiwanese desserts at Snowflake and had a spontaneous trip to I-City! For those who don't know what I-City is, it's like a ghost town with a lot of lights. haha


Sheng's koala pose

Yes, I know I look weird. LOL

I didn't celebrate New Year's with the guys, cos I was out with my family. But apparently things got crazy after Chay Ann had 3 glasses of beer. Let's just say Chay Ann's the do-stupid-things-and-act-gayly kind of drunk. Don't have many photos of the night (and I don't wanna embarass Chay Ann too much), but I've seen videos and they're HILARIOUS. But those videos are PnC for Chay Ann's sake. hahahaha

BROMANCE. gotta love it
On the 3rd of January (midnight of the 2nd), we celebrated Shu Yen's birthday! We kinda pretended to invite her out, hid in the bushes outside her house, and ambushed her as she was reversing her car out. Headed over to some drinks place in Bukit Tinggi after. :)

On the 5th, I went out with Ruei Pern, Shu Yen and Kyle to Pyramid. Hanged out, then met up with the guys for my birthday dinner back at Joe's Cafe in BBK. Pretty good food. :) After that, everyone came back to my place for drinking games. Since some people were reluctant to drink, we only had 1 bottle of vodka. With 5 bottles of soft drinks and free flow of water. 30 litres of fluids and a toilet ban later, Chay Ann and Keat Tong got drunk. EPIC AWESOME TIMES.

Chay Ann humping Keat Tong. gotta love them lol
Anyways, this post took me about one and a half hours to complete. lolol hope the pics like brighten up my boring wordy blog. haha
Okay, I gotta go have dinner now; playing futsal with the guys in a bit.
Matt Kang's flying in with his friend on Thursday! haha so I havta start planning where to bring them and shit. haha amazing times to come :)
til next time!
just posted the above
at 4:59 PM ;